Trend Micro’s 2023 Cybersecurity Report: Navigating the New Age of Digital Threats

Trend Micro has unveiled its 2023 Annual Cybersecurity Report, shedding light on the pivotal cybersecurity events and trends of 2023. This comprehensive document features an in-depth analysis, key data highlights, and expert insights into various domains of cyber threats. Here’s a snapshot of what awaits you in this detailed exploration of the year’s most significant cybersecurity developments.


APT34 is pioneering the development of cutting-edge malware, setting new standards in cyber warfare, while Pawn Storm orchestrates sophisticated phishing campaigns aimed directly at European governments. Concurrently, Void Rabisu is enhancing its ROMCOM backdoor for meticulously targeted intrusions, a strategy that finds echoes in the operations of Earth Lusca and Earth Eastries, who leverage their advanced backdoors and sophisticated evasion tactics to breach security perimeters. This collective shift towards more nuanced and stealthy approaches highlights a significant evolution in cybercriminal strategy, emphasizing the need for equally advanced defensive measures in the ongoing war against digital threats.


Cybercriminal groups are evolving their strategies, leveraging intermittent encryption and exploiting vulnerabilities to sidestep Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) systems, enabling them to conduct more audacious attacks including:

  • BlackCat’s debut of a new variant and employing public extortion tactics
  • BlackBasta partnering with affiliate Water Curupira, deploying Pikabot for a spam campaign.
  • RedLine and Vidar are now also distributing ransomware, showcasing a trend towards versatile cyberattack methods.

Cybercriminals Post-Pandemic

In 2023, the Smart Protection Network (SPN) has reported a noteworthy escalation in the volume of cyber threats it has successfully intercepted, signaling a continued expansion in the cyber threat landscape since the pandemic. This trend not only highlights the increasing sophistication of cyber threats but also underscores the critical role of advanced security networks in safeguarding digital assets.

Simultaneously, there has been a noticeable decline in the effectiveness of early detection filters, such as Email and Web Reputation Services. This shift suggests a strategic pivot among cybercriminals, moving away from casting a wide net towards adopting more targeted and sophisticated methods of attack. Such a change in tactics could be aimed at evading detection and achieving deeper penetration into secure environments.

Trend Micro’s annual report for 2023 serves as a crucial compass in navigating the complex and ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. It highlights the growing sophistication of cybercriminals and the imperative need for advanced defensive strategies. As we reflect on the past year’s developments, it becomes clear that the journey towards cyber resilience is ongoing, requiring constant vigilance, innovation, and adaptation to protect the digital frontier.

Read the full report here.